Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Jeff Rutt: Making a difference in people's lives through CSR projects that make sense

Jeff Rutt, the founder of HOPE International, maintains that companies should take time to fully develop their plans if they hope to make a difference in the lives of their targeted beneficiaries through a corporate social responsibility initiative.

Jeff Rutt Image Credit: hopeinternational.org

Without a doubt, many business owners start off with good intentions when they decide to take on a CSR project that is in line with their company goals. They may have ideas on the outcomes they want and how to best achieve their aim of providing relief for the recipients. However, haphazardly going about this matter and misunderstanding the needs of the beneficiary may actually end up doing more harm than good.

Jeff Rutt Image Credit: ciaraquinn.wordpress.com

Jeff Rutt notes that lasting change needs continuous and timely effort. There’s an appropriate response for varying needs, and companies with CSR projects cannot stick with just one approach if they plan on making a difference to the community they’re setting out to help. Providing for the immediate needs of the people is necessary in times of emergencies. After that, however, going for long term development goals is the next best course of action to take.

Likewise, making the project mean more to the company’s stakeholders is also important to its long term existence and success. Companies should aim for a worthy cause and utilize a methodology that allows the participants to make use of their skills and passions to make a difference in a natural way.

Jeff Rutt Image Credit: mshcdn.com

Additional information about Jeff Rutt and Homes for Hope can be found at www.homes4hope.org.