Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Jeff Rutt: Empowering women through microfinance

In 1997, Jeff Rutt established HOPE International, a Christian faith-based nonprofit organization committed to alleviating physical and spiritual poverty through microenterprise development.

Jeff Rutt Image credit:

It is not by chance that the majority of HOPE’s microfinance clients are women. It seems that even from the beginning of microfinance, its beneficiaries are mostly women. This just shows that the opportunities are still scarce for women to succeed in business today.

In many countries where HOPE works, women belong to the marginalized section of the society, deprived of education and prohibited to work outside their homes. Through its outreach programs, HOPE observed that when given the opportunity to start their own business, women are highly motivated to work hard to make their enterprises succeed.

Jeff Rutt Image credit:

Jeff Rutt’s HOPE International also notes that women are prudent borrowers. Not only do they repay more consistently than their male counterparts, but women are also more likely to use their business profits to support their families. When a microfinance institution empowers a woman to improve her income, the resulting profits are typically used to provide better nutrition, to improve housing, or to support children’s education.

Jeff Rutt and HOPE International believe that women have a unique opportunity to make their mark in the fight against poverty.

There are also instances when microfinance results in non-financial benefits. HOPE cites the story of one of its savings groups in India, and how the group was able to save one of its members from an abusive relationship. The member shared that her husband consistently beat her. Though she had told him to stop, the beatings continued. The 15 women in the group decided that they would go together to confront the husband. They told him that they supported his wife and that he must stop beating her. Knowing that the abuse was no longer secret and that others cared for his wife enough to confront him, the husband stopped beating and hurting his wife.

Jeff Rutt Image credit:

For Jeff Rutt and HOPE International, microfinance enables women from developed countries to reach out to their fellow women in developing countries, giving them the freedom and respect they have been denied for a long time.

To know more about Mr. Rutt and HOPE International, visit

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