If you’re reading this, then you are better off than more than half the women in India who have no ability to read or write. Access to a computer is not even a possibility. Life for them is “hopeless.” That’s their word.
The country does have a very successful technology sector. However, for the other half of India, the future is bleak. One in three people live in extreme poverty. Thanks to the caste system, they are taught to believe that their status in life was decided when they were born.
There is no way out and, in an emergency, the only option is local money lenders who charge 120 to 240 percent interest. For the women of India, there is no way to move up. Often, staying afloat is enough of a challenge.
With the help of Hope International, women in India are leaving poverty and becoming empowered. They are learning about the Gospel, the love of Jesus Christ and that He has a plan for them. It starts with a simple idea: 10 to 15 women get together and create a savings group. A dollar or two a month is saved. Soon, an internal pool of money is available for the women to use to pay off money lenders, in case of emergency or to start a business.
Suddenly, these women who saw the future as just more of the same struggle are experiencing Jesus’ love for them and seeing that the road ahead is bright. For instance, Shanty used the money from the group to start a small grocery shop. Women like Andandi can sign their names, an important skill now that she and the rest of the women in her group are dealing with banks on a regular basis.
Where they were alone and scared, they are now united and strong. “One woman alone can’t do much, but when there’s 10 of us together can accomplish anything.”
It’s a message we should all remember. With Jesus Christ, we can change the world for the better. Hope International has served 35,000 people in India. As you look forward in 2014, know that anything is possible with Jesus Christ.
Until next time,
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